Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lessons from a Heart of Mercy

My girls & I had an amazing opportunity to work with SeaWorld Rescue to clean up the turtle nesting grounds at Cape Canaveral over the weekend.

It was a beautiful opportunity to spend time together, serve the park rangers who work hard to help the turtles that nest here, and enjoy some beach time.

After a wonderful day with my girls and our special friends, it was time to head home.

I know I have faults, but I'm pretty good at communication and planning - but not this time.

In the middle of the planning through the hub-bub of the week , I had my hubby drop me off to car pool with friends, but I neglected to execute a plan for him to pick me up...so my most gracious friends had to drive me home - quite a distance out of their way, I might add (like an hour and a half)

They SHOULD HAVE demanded their rights to go straight home after a long day in the hot sun...after an even longer week working (and no sleep the night before).
They COULD HAVE made it awkward by oozing with the potential frustration I caused.
They WOULD HAVE made me feel small (I already was feeling bad).

But instead, even while feeling disappointed, they smiled, took me home and made me feel welcome in their vehicle.

It's so wonderful when people show love & mercy even when it's not deserved.  Good thing that's my Jesus' reaction to me when I mess up too. 

How many times do we fight for our selfish rights, not really considering those around us for the sake or our personal comfort?

When someone says or does something offensive, 
do we fire back with our selfish rights 
or offer mercy?

"There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you."  James 2:13

PS - Here's my honorary mention - This little guy was running along the beach, we thought he was too cute...!