So the question I continue to ask myself is:
Which one am I???
A pond
springs of living water?
What IS a spring of living water? It's when we are brimming, and FLOWING, and spilling everywhere with Jesus. Our water is always refreshing and doesn't stay in one place,
John 7:38 - He cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way, just as the Scripture says.”
Of course I want to be a spring, but it's SOO easy to get dammed up - build the rock wall bit by bit, and the water slowly grows bacteria. Of course the enemy of our soul doesn't want us to be flowing springs of living water, so he's sneaky.
We were not created to live for ourselves, as a standing pond.
The first reaction when we realize our water is stagnant & dirty, is to "CLEAN IT UP!" So we look for ways to fix the problem and make the water healthy. But the simple solution is BREAK DOWN THE DAM, let the water flow. Running water doesn't grow algae.
The 3 reasons we become dammed up are:
1. We're BUSY. We've locked ourselves down to get our schedule accomplished.
2. We're STRESSED. We shut down and say to ourselves, "I can't deal with any more."
3. We're OFFENDED. We feel hurt so we build walls up to prevent further destruction.
When I get an amazing revelation of being the living springs of Jesus to either people close to me, people groups, church groups, can bet the enemy is going to push one of those buttons on me so my knee-jerked-reaction to is "dam up".
Push through the schedule, feelings, & hurts.
All through scripture, the answer to ALL our life problems is BUILD THE KINGDOM. Here are just a couple references I have found, but I could list pages, and pages...
- "Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom and His righteousness, and ALLLLLLLL these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:33
- "...Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:9
It is SOO easy to go on with our daily lives and consume ourselves with the troubles that just today brings. But I know in my knower, and by reading the Word of God, that being purposeful in building the Kingdom of God plays a VITAL ROLE in being an over comer of our troubles. When we are about HIS business, HE will be about ours. So we need to be much more purposeful in being kingdom minded, using Jesus as our example, and flowing to the world around us with the Love of Christ.
Let's practice waking up, and saying, "Jesus, what can I do to work with YOU today to seek first & build the Kingdom?"
Why do we often wait for a tragedy to happen before reaching out to people we love?
SOOOOO...for the next few weeks, my girls and I are doing some servant projects.
This week, we're going to PEEP IN on our neighbors.
Since we just moved into our neighborhood, we're bringing these over to a bunch of our neighbors:
Peep cakes & Neighbor Fridge Magnets!
I hope you will do some with us. Let's incorporate being the hands and feet of Jesus into our regular lives.
If you want more information about our Neighbor magnets, you can read about them HERE.