I recently learned something...I didn't

We have been volunteering at a Tower Garden Farm (hydroponic garden system) planting seeds & getting strawberry plants ready for the towers. It's been a once a week adventure of sitting on a porch at the farm with no school assignments, TV, games, books, or music. Just us putting tiny seeds in holes hour after hour...and we LOVE it.
One of our times a couple weeks back, my daughters just started asking me questions...surprising & deep questions - and I was thinking, "Where did all THIS come from?" Well, come to find out these are things that have been brewing in their heart, but they had not seen the window of time to talk to me.
You see, I can be a busy-body. I LOVE spending time with my daughters more than almost anything, and we have all kinds of adventures - but I realized parking my butt to a chair and doing NOTHING BUT listening to the deep things in their hearts seemed to hardly happen.
Working at the farm has been such an amazing time of silliness, growing together, learning, clarifying, and bonding.
Our lives these past few weeks have been extremely busy - we just moved, I look after an ailing gentleman, we school, and I do what I can for the community around me...I know you understand! What I've learned is that I need to covet much more time to just bond heart to heart with my amazing daughters.
The interesting thing is, this is what God wants from us too...to park our butt down to have a heart to heart with HIM. You see, my girls shared some concerns, and I was able to help & guide them through. When I sit and have the same talk with my Father God - He does the same; He helps ME navigate difficult situations and offer to help.
God can't help if I don't take the time to tell Him what's going on and give Him a chance to walk with me & guide my steps...just like my girls struggling to navigate through things without my (or their daddy's) help.
So here's to less busy-body-ness, and more strawberry talks :)
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