Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Now I don't want to get myself in trouble here - so bear with me.

That "restlessness" is God asking us to be more than the caretakers of our square-footage & it's inhabitants.
I’ve struggled with those feelings of guilt for not being
perfectly happy putting my 100% time and
energy into my house & daughters – now don’t get me wrong, I love them more than can be
described, but I’m not just a mom, but also a Disciple of Christ.
“Let me give
you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you
love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my
disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.” John 13:34-35
May I "sheepishly" point out - it didn't say only to love our children...
I need for both the Kingdom's sake, my sake, AND the sake of being an example to my daughters that doing other things is very healthy. I love my kitchen, BELIEVE ME...just to prove it, here's one of my latest creations (email me if you want the recipe YUMMM!)...
But, we also need to put on our "check list" being Christ to people around us. The beautiful thing is you can INVOLVE your children as well.
I have a check-list of my "dailies" that I need to get done both for kids & house, and I always add "To be a blessing to" and pray for The Lord to drop an idea my way...I will confess I don't always accomplish everything on it - but I give it an honest effort!
Challenge yourself weekly (or start monthly) to be a blessing, here are some small starter ideas...
- Write and send care packages to your church's missionaries.
- Phone or send card in the mail to encourage someone.
- Serve at a local food pantry or soup kitchen.
- Find someone in need and serve them.
- Encourage your leaders (pastors, staff, boss).
- Find someone in your church you don't know and offer to pray for them that week.
- Visit a local care home and spend time with it's residents.
The point is, be the best mom, by being an example of love to people. You don't have to be a pastor (or pastor's wife) to minister to needy in or out of your church.
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