God makes his people strong. God gives his people peace. Psalms 29:11 (The Message)
Definition of Peace:
- Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
- Harmony in personal relations
Fun is a path to PEACE
Taking the time for fun brings peace. I know it's not the ONLY way, but it's one that's often overlooked. When we're in a difficult situation, we out of duty want to plow through to the solution, but sometimes the solution is found in taking a step back, clearing our head, and having some fun.
I know this topic may seem unnecessary to mention for some...but believe it or not, many people forget the VITAL NEED of rest, idle "chit chat" or down right laughter.
I know from experience that it's very easy to go about the day to day activities - work, chasing of kids, school, laundry,...over & over...and the next thing you know you're asking if your husband has to go "potty" or if you can give him a snack of "cheerios".
Oh my - time to unwind! The secret is, if you take some fun time for yourself, you are a BETTER mom, BETTER wife, BETTER employee, BETTER follower of Jesus. So it's really more of a NECESSITY, than a luxury.

Fun is the GLUE

When our family hits a time of stress, we of course do our due-diligence to obey God's leading and navigating, but most often He reminds me that part of the path is to have some family fun time.
Whether we giggle over a board game, have ice cream in a park, or take a walk and laugh at the 8 lb dog pulling our daughter on her scooter, it acts as a spiritual & emotional pressure release to our stress.
Fun is the VICTORY
God is a God of relationship, and He created them to be a part of our NECESSARY everyday life - for our sake, as well as the Kingdom's sake.
Christ's greatest commandment is to "Love the Lord our God with all our hearts, AND, Love others as yourself" Matthew 22:37-39...which would undoubtedly require relationship.
Back to FUN...can ANYONE have relationship without some fun laced into it? It truly is the healing glue - for our individual health, as well as a blessing to those we're sowing relationship into.
God helps bring so much VICTORY into our lives when we surround ourselves with FUN & FELLOWSHIP. It's a time of breaking formalities & being real with ourselves, and others. It breaks the tension of doing things "perfect", and allows us to unwind - and we (far easier) see stressful situations with a clearer mind & from God's perspective when our mind is in a place of rest.
Some may think they don't have the money to have any family or "date night" FUN - below I'm offering some ideas...
Penny Pinching ideas
- Pack up an outdoor picnic
- Tour historic buildings or factories
- Take a nature walk & pick flowers
- Go to a bookstore
- Ice cream date
Be a Blessing ideas
- Buy flowers & give them to a random person on the street
- Visit a nursing home
- Go volunteer at a local animal shelter
- Do some neighborly service: Rake leaves, plant flowers or shovel snow for a neighbor
- Volunteer at a local soup kitchen
The End Result to "Fun"
When our mind & heart are at peace, we are more inclined to overflow. You can't help but to share! Stress is the biggest tactic against God's people from fulfilling the greatest commandment of loving one another. You can't give what you don't have - so if you don't have joy, you have nothing to give.
So don't feel bad, or that you are not doing your "duty" by being in a place of crisis or worry. Take the time to find your peace and joy. HAVE FUN - so you can be the CONTAGIOUS TANGIBLE LOVE OF JESUS & give that joy to others.