Wednesday, August 3, 2011

2011-2012 Curriculum

Enough with the slacking...

Well, it's that time of the year again - getting ready for school.  I'm actually really excited for this year.  We had some hard truths to swallow about what worked, and DIDN'T WORK last year.

I have two VERY different personalities to work with so I'm needing to be very creative. The girls are VERY strong willed (I have NO IDEA where they get that from)...but over different issues so it gets interesting around these parts.

I had a lot of fun getting our office ready for our up & coming school year - I commissioned my talented husband to put his artsy touch in our room.  I mean, if it's going to be a year of inspiration - let it be a fun place to be in!
This year we are changing the curriculum completely and are doing a lot more interactive activities together.  I know it's making a big difference in their excitement level that I am involving them in the choosing of the school work - so the girls feel invested in their own learning this year.

Here is part of our science curriculum - it has all kinds of experiments, and projects in it.
One project is to put a tooth (one of their baby teeth) in soda and watch it rot - will that cure them of their love of all things sugar?!?!?
Here's the other science book we're doing - of course - with the girls' love of anything & everything having to do with the Ocean...
For Math, English, & Spelling work, I'm changing to Rod & Staff (Grades 3 & 4).  A very good trusted friend did it with her girls last year and they appreciated it's simplicity & style.  I also had a public school teacher look at it, and she said it's content is at par with the school system.

Geography will be studied mostly by "the car window" via our current and past travels since we do a lot of cross-country traveling, and are in partnership with several we study where they are.

History - the jury is still out, so I'm really looking forward to "gleening" from the blog hop posts.

I heard a statistic that an average child is busier than a CEO of a major corporation. So we are becoming jealous guards of more peace and good ol' fashioned play time.  I think it's so important that we as a family are more available for each other, and opportunities God brings our way to be a blessing to others.  

We have enrolled the girls in dance again this year, and they are also in a Missionettes (like a Christian Girl Scouts).  They have plenty of opportunities to spend time with friends & activities, but I'm determined to have a quieter year of quality family time.  It's soo easy to stay very BUSY but I know that is not healthy for the little people, or us to be on the go from sun-up to sun-down every day

I am daily thankful for the opportunity to be a mom & teacher to 2 beautiful little girls.  As they grow, and change I'm prayerfully watching them turn into the little ladies God is molding them to be.  

"Thank You God for trusting me with 2 precious hearts.  May I be diligent in pouring Your love and teaching into them."