This project is not only close to my heart, but close to my marriage. Like many marriages, ours has great times, but we have also some big scars from battles over the years & challenges that have been brought our way.
There were times we both asked, "Are we going to make it?" but pushed through - the resentment, hurt, and anger. And God without fail...MAKES ALL THINGS NEW.
How do you re-claim that deep friendship with your spouse when you are consumed with the busy-ness of life, kids and/or are working through any fracture within the relationship?

This kit contains:
- 2 journals (His & Hers) with thought provoking conversation starters, date ideas, & journal paper.
- Kernel Seasons popcorn & seasoning (choices are - White cheddar, Jalapeno, and Kettle corn) for your date.
- 2 white "surrender" flags.
Sample Page:
There are many aspects within a marriage that need to be viewed as a business. No business will be successful without unity among the management team. The key to harmony and success within the marriage is being on the same page in terms of direction of operations within the home:
- Money management
- Raising & disciplining kids
- Stress management/communication
- Life direction/goals & dreams (etc)
Because the marriage dynamics are always changing as our lives evolve, there needs to be regularly scheduled business meetings.
Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.
Matthew 12:25 (NIV)
Write the area(s) there is dis-unity within the operations of your marriage (financial direction, children, stresses…) then set a date (at the bottom of the page) when you will have a meeting to get on the same page in terms of managing the marriage:
Thank you to all our family & friends who have been amazing support to our lives, & marriage. There are soo many of you who have laughed with us, and cried with us over many years. We would not be where we are today without your support & prayers.
Nothing is un-fixable if
both parties are willing
The link to our store for this product is: